Our Mission

The Lifestart mission is to produce better child development outcomes by making available to parents evidence-based knowledge and information on how young children develop and learn, implemented through the delivery of the Lifestart Growing Child Programme.

Our Vision

In Lifestart we understand that the home is the primary environment for child development and early learning.  Working with parents in the home is the most effective form of prevention and early intervention.  Parenting support should be available to all parents in their child’s early life.

The Lifestart Approach

Our approach is underpinned by the following values and principles:

  • Child-centred
  • Promoting good child outcomes by supporting parents
  • Protection and promotion of children’s rights
  • Helping parents build a secure and loving home environment
  • Supporting parents as the child’s first and most important educator
  • Strengths-based empowering support
  • Evidence-based
  • Respect and dignity
  • Integrity

Our Approach

The Lifestart approach to programme delivery is underpinned by the following values and principles:

  • Child-centered
  • Promoting children’s outcomes by supporting parents
  • Protection and promotion of children’s rights.
  • Parents (or those who parent) are a child’s first educator and are the most influential in a child’s life.
  • Home-based: we understand that the home is the primary environment for development and early learning, we believe that bringing the programme to you can help build that environment.
  • Prevention and early intervention
  • Evidence-based
  • Respect and dignity
  • Integrity